Eastern N.C: I Remember When



Everybody is looking for answers to the turmoil of today’s society. So much has changed since the days of my youth. The attitudes of people of all ages are so different now. Is the separation of families to blame? Charity starts at home and that’s where we should learn to communicate. We rarely eat together as families anymore, but who’s fault is that? I guess we can all accept responsibility in some way. We are often so busy that we don’t have time for each other anymore. Family time is very important and we all should do better.

Is technology to blame? Before unlimited cell phones, we had to actually talk to each other face to face. Doing that formed valuable friendships and relationships. Now every conversation is simply a text away. People don’t know how to verbally talk to each other anymore because of Facebook, Messenger, Snap Chat and many others. Is this a reasonable assessment?

Distant families create distant homes. Distant homes create distant neighborhoods. Distant neighborhoods create distant cities and on and on. As I reflect back on my early years, growing up in Eastern North Carolina things were much different than they are now.

I remember when neighborhood wars were settled on the sandlot football field, basketball court or softball field. There was nothing more exciting than being challenged by the community down the block, across town or across the bridge for those who can relate. (Lakeside, Lone Pine, Princeville, East Tarboro). We couldn’t wait for a challenge to be presented. Whoever made the challenge was the home team and the challengers would have to hop on the bikes and head to a game. The competition was great, the attitudes were good and the sportsmanship was awesome. Looking back, we had to be some really cool dudes to be able to compete without officials and not end in violence. I mean we had some fierce competition going on and everybody wanted to win. But through it all we managed to keep it together. What made it all special is that we were competitors and friends. Is it that way now? Good questions because time is the same but people’s attitudes are different.

Sometimes we need to look back and remember what was working for the older generation and compare it to now. Did I mention growing up almost everyone went to church as a family? But, that’s a subject for the next blog. Rolling back the curtains of memories does not have to include negative experiences. Let's encourage each other. Share you thoughts.


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