Hope Inspires Faith

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Can I Hear You Now?

This was posted on someone’s Facebook page and it caught my attention. It’s a fact that we are guaranteed 2 things in life: life and death. I’m not trying to be harsh that’s just the reality of life. I’ll get straight to the point of this topic.

Funerals are an event where people come together from miles around to share stories about the deceased. They talk about the good times and how their lives were impacted while the person was alive.
Now let’s shift. Did that person have any idea that so many people loved and admired this person while they were alive? How encouraging it would have been for the person to hear all the inspiring remarks when they were alive.
Ever heard the saying, “Give me my flowers while I can see them.”? Why can’t we tell people how they have impacted our lives while they are still here to hear it? It will be more enlightening sharing it with them.
Tell people you love them now. Tell people you admire them now. Tell people what a difference they have made in your life now. It will definitely give them something to smile about.