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Understanding Our Children

Do we really understand what our children are dealing with? In a world of social media there are so many things that can encourage or discourage a child. When is the last time you actually talked to your child and asked them how they were doing? Bullying is real and still exist? If your child was being bullied would they tell you even though we say, “You can talk to me about anything.” Maybe not because of the embarrassment of feeling that you’re not even truly concerned

For example a child comes home and says, “Nobody at school wants to be my friend. They are always picking on me.” You, being the most popular person at your school at the time, could not relate. Your answer would probably be, “You are overreacting, it can’t be that bad.” Or, “You just need to try harder to make friends.”

At that moment, the door of communication closes and the child now feels totally alone. Now, how should we have handled that situation?
So let’s start over. “Dad, Mom I’m having problems at school. The other children at at school are always picking at me and I don’t have any friends.” Your response should be, “What can I do to help? Come sit down and explain it to me so I can try to understand.” You see children don’t need to hear how you handled things. They want to know how they can fix their OWN problems. Personalize the conversation and make it all about the child. This will let them know that you are focusing on them and being attentive to what exactly they need during that time.

It has been on my mind to touch on this subject because of some of the recent stories I have heard. Children picking on others because of there clothes. Popular kids still degrading the unpopular kids. Social media hazing. The list goes on and on.

Bullying is a sensitive subject because of the traumatic things that has happen in the recent past. I am mindful of the things in write because it is not my desire to offend anyone. I started this segment of post concerning the subject because I hope it will help and encourage some one along the way.

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