Safety Is A 24 Hour Practice


​  You don’t have to be a victim. come let us reason together.

  Why? What? When? These are 3 one word questions that we are facing in our everyday life. I'll share my thoughts with you.

I was watching the news one day and I was drawn to the fact that there are so many unnecessary violent situations going on everywhere. There were about 8 shootings, 3 robberies, 4 murders (1 child by a parent) all in one city in less than a day. Which leads me to my 3 questions.

  Why? Why are things so bad? We ( including me) live our lives loving and protecting our own. Every day parents, family and  friends we spend time wondering about safety. Should I go here should I go there. Every we go out it is a mystery. Can I let my child go to school, football games, movies or any outside activity away from the home? Can I go to the store at night? How safe are we?

  What? What can we do to ease our minds. The first thing is to think smart. Positive people can create a positive environment. You must be aware of strange activities in your area so you can be proactive instead of reactive. Since we live most of our lives outside of the comforts of home we must avoid situations and altercations where we can put ourselves in harms way. For instance going to ATM machines at night, driving in unfamiliar neighborhoods or walking around in store parking lots at night with little or no lighting.  These are only a few ways we put ourselves in harms way. 

  When? When are these 1st 2 questions important? This should be an everyday concept. Teaching and explaining to our families and friends the importance of safety. Many times we take for granite that it happens on the news and its not our reality. But staying focus can help the chances of it not happening to us. Inform children of the dangers that are present even though they think we have no clue and we are just holding them back. Regardless they have to hear it.

 Many think that hearing about safety gets boring and repetitious. The fact is even though we know these things reading or hearing about often alert us and help us remember. Please stay focus. If we haven’t been now is the perfect time to start!!!!


Eastern N.C: I Remember When


Using Social Media To Be a Positive Influence