My Circumstances Do Not Define Me


With the obstacles we face today to be successful, the last thing a person needs is to be verbally assaulted. Most of the time, it starts at home. For example, in homes without a father and there is hostility between the parents, You are just like your Father. You will never be anything. How many times have you heard that statement directed at someone? If you say this to a child or person who’s doing their best, all you have to do is look at their expression to know how it tears their hearts up. So, let the battle begin. What battle, you may ask? The battle is to remind yourself that you are not defined by the negative words they say to you. For a child, it’s not that easy. Prayerfully, there is a positive person in the child’s life who recognizes what’s going on. It will be important for them to reassure the child that the negative words they hear will not determine who they will become.

For an adult, that’s when you refocus, reassure yourself, and reprogram your thoughts on encouraging yourself. We always look for other people to validate our position or status. You can measure your own success. The mind is a constant sponge absorbing the things we do, the things we say, the things we see, and the things we hear. Whatever dominates between negative and positive will definitely win the battle of the mind. That’s why it is so important to have a positive attitude. That gives you an advantage.

The next challenge is setting boundaries on the type of conversation or activities you want to participate in. Have you ever thought about the quote,” Never let anyone dictate your mood, actions, or attitude? If you do, you are in an uphill battle to regain your advantage. People will draw you into their atmosphere or you will draw them into yours. That’s a guarantee. What must I do to keep this from happening? I’m glad you asked that question. You have to set the atmosphere. You presence should bring positive energy to a room or situation. Just because you walk into a room of doom and gloom doesn’t mean you have to adapt to that mood. Someone has to have a positive mentality. So why can’t it be you?

Life has so many ups and downs. The fact is there is no way around them. So the only solution is to understand this and live life one moment at a time.

Final thought: If you do get caught up in negativity and feel like you are getting overwhelmed, regroup and refocus because there are no bad days. There are just bad moments in a day.

Let’s be an Encourager and not and Discourager!


Wow! Someone Get’s It


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