The Transformation
When you let others dictate who or what you become it can change the whole perspective of who you are. For example, there have been situations where the kindest loving person has turned into a violent angry monster. Why, because someone or something had so much control over them that their focus was lost. You should never give anything that much control over you.
Now learn a lesson from the butterfly. A caterpillar is looks like it is just a simple worm. It doesn’t matter what you do to try and change the concept the only thing you will have in the end is a caterpillar. They are sometimes quite ugly in appearance. The one thing extraordinary about a caterpillar is you can pick it up, you can roll it around, you can even catch it put in a jar and keep it for a pet. No matter what you do to that caterpillar as long as you don’t kill it, one day the caterpillar will become a beautiful butterfly.
People must learn that no matter what the obstacles are they shouldn’t change your direction or your purpose. The caterpillar knows that if it makes it through the cocoon cycle it will be a butterfly. So if you have a purpose or a goal and you know that it’s your destiny don’t let anyone or anything change that. You are what God created you to be, a Warrior! You can be what God said you can be, Victorious! You can have what God says you can have as long as you keep your focus and ask God to order your steps.
You may not have been created become a butterfly but you can become everything God created you to be and be proud of it.