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Coming together for the Christmas Holidays is always a special time of year. It is a time to reflect on the the importance of family. Especially when children grow up and start living their own lives. Sheldra and I are blessed to have two children at home, (Ashley an A-B Honors high school student and Jerrika an aspiring career woman. Also there is one out own his own, Tonio who is doing great things that will one day make him one of the elite. We have three children in the Armed Forces, Tario (Army), Jacob (Navy) and Kassie S. (Navy) respectively. Every now and then you have to do something different to capture the memories. No matter the day or the reason it’s rare to get all the family under the same roof at the same time. Most important coming together for a family event instead of a homegoing service is definitely something to be excited about. So with all the gift giving and possibly gift receiving this Christmas season, we are cherishing our family circle being connected. May God continue to keep us family focused and giving that continuous love and support for each other. In Jesus Name!


Nobody Is Perfect


Something To Smile About