Hope Inspires Faith

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The Value Of Friendship

True friends are an asset. They celebrate with you during the good times, but most important, they support you during your struggles. Are you blessed to have someone like that in your life?

We meet people with the assumption that at least one of those people can carry the title best friend title. We spend a lifetime building relationships with people. Wanting to share our thoughts and secrets, we are constantly in search of that one person that we can totally confide in. Is that too much to expect from someone? That depends on the character of the person that you are sharing your secrets with. I have heard people say, Never tell someone private things that you don’t want repeated by someone else. Why, because some people are unpredictable. They can be loyal today and hold a grudge in the next breath. It is a possibility that you will find that needle in the haystack. But are there any guarantees? I would say there are not because we are emotional people. That’s why we must take our time when deciding to empty our hearts with some one. Let me share these little nuggets. If you happen to find that best friend, communication is vital in maintaining that relationship. So be honest with each other. Don’t leave a conversation angry. But most important always be respectful of each others feelings. What are your thoughts?