Sheldra Roberson- Hinton My Valentine


On June 3, 2017 this amazing Women pictured above became my Valentine. The Love we share is something that I didn’t think I would have the opportunity to experience. Don’t get me wrong life and romance was not a total disaster during my younger days. What I mean is as I matured I learned more about Love, and the Desire to Love and be Loved. Though my journey was long it was well worth the wait. God blessed me with someone that I fell in Love with. When I married my Sweetheart I promised never to get comfortable or take her for granted. I ask God to give a Love that will increase daily and never level out and get stagnant. So I am truly Grateful to have the opportunity to Love.

My Prayer:

Thank you God for allowing me the opportunity Love. God is Love and if I have the Love of God in my heart my wife will always be treasured. Thank you for the desire to Love and the opportunity to be Loved in return. In Jesus Name! Amen!


Perfect Peace


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