Hope Inspires Faith

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Reflection of Me

29 May 2020

Alphonso Hinton


 As you look in the mirror what’s on your mind?

When it’s only your reflection and image you’ll find.

It's been said, the eyes are the key to the soul,

And behind those eyes is a story untold.

The past, the present and the future is all there,

The good times, the bad and the laughter that's shared,

The times you felt alone and needed the presence of a friend,

But can they understand from the outside looking in.

Though times have been tough and you let out a moan, 

You should always remember that yesterday is gone.

You tried you failed things just didn’t work out ,

So just take a deep breath and let out a shout.

Let’s regroup refocus so you can start again,

You have done all you can this day should end.

Your thoughts on a new day should always be,

I have another opportunity to be the best me I can be.