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“Great Topics About Everyday Life”

— A. Hinton

Informative Alphonso Hinton Informative Alphonso Hinton


Pants sagging below the waist exposing your underwear to the public, Is that showing freedom of expression to show a point or just trying to be a part of something you dont fully understand? Some people think its cool and others just shake their heads in disgust. How do you feel?

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Take A Chance Someone Might Just Listen
Informative Alphonso Hinton Informative Alphonso Hinton

Take A Chance Someone Might Just Listen

Where can we start? What can we do? I’ve often ask myself that question. Over the years I have had so many ideas and didn’t do anything to make them happen. The end results no plan no action.

I started my website to express my thoughts and maybe I can help someone at the same time. We lives our lives trying to be prosperous and successful but what do we do to pass the knowledge to someone else.

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Where Do I Go From Here?
Informative Alphonso Hinton Informative Alphonso Hinton

Where Do I Go From Here?

Have you ever been a situation where everything that you try to do seems to be unsuccessful and you feel like you have run out of options? If you have then your next thought will probably be "Where do I go from here"?

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