What Do You See When You Look In The Mirror?


When was the last time you looked in the mirror? I mean really looked in the mirror, to see a reflection of who you are? Would you believe that probably millions of people look in the mirror everyday and do not know what they look like? Think about it for a second. Do you fall into that category?

I remember going to the mirror one day and I just stared for a second. I looked directly into my eyes and thought: “Do I see myself as everyone else sees me?”

Let me slow down for a second. Many people determine what they look like and who they are, through the eyes and opinions of other people. This is one of the main causes of low self esteem. Society has set standards that are, at times, bias and very unfair. We are judged on so many different levels that some people defeat themselves before they even get started. Some examples are:

“I am not as smart as the other applicants.”

“I am not pretty enough.”

“Am I too skinny?”

“Am I too fat?”

“I am the wrong skin color? They will never give me an opportunity.”

The list can go on and on.

I’ve learned that I am just as important as the next person. Your eyes are the entrance to you mind. What you see most of the time, will determine how you feel. If you begin to see yourself as successful, you can motivate yourself to be successful. Never base your success on someone else’s. Don’t let anyone tear you down by judging you on how you look. Besides, if that other person was so confident, what pleasure should they get from tearing you down? Could they possibly just be jealous of you because you are confident in your own skin? Hmm… just a thought.

God created everyone to be just who they are. Everybody is special in their own way. If we were all the same, what good would that be. Embrace your uniqueness. From this day forward, look in the mirror directly into you eyes and fall in love with the person that you were created to be. Be true to yourself, believe in yourself and remember you are just as important as anyone else.


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