Sunshine Follows Rain Good Times Follows Bad

Psalm 30:5 Weeping May endure for a night, but joy cometh in the morning.

These days there seems to be a struggle to see the good in life. With all the positive things we experience negative always try to sneak in and overwhelm us. It’s a natural response to focus on all the bad things that happened in our lives. We dwell on them and get so caught up we can’t see that the solution is right there. Often times we spend so much time focusing on the problem we are not even aware that the problem has been resolved.

Looking back over your life how many situations were you in where you thought there was no way possible that it was going to work out and all of a sudden it is fixed. We have to trust the process. Just like looking out a door or window at the rain, because it has rained so many times we know that eventually the sun is going to break through the cloudy skies. Or when we have faced bad times in our life as we go through our process there will definitely be some good times after while.

So when the scripture says weeping may endure for a night but joy cometh in the morning, as soon as you realize that regardless of what you are going through it will be okay look in the mirror and say ‘Good Morning’ because your night has ended.


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